Friday, October 31, 2008

“What would you do if you can rewind your life path 10 years back?”

“What would you do if you can rewind your life path 10 years back?” This is the frequent question that we always hear or ask ourselves. Normally, we would think on the mistake that we have done in the past, things that we should have done, question of what I would become now if I were to do this last time and so many presumption and prediction.

As for me, the biggest mistake of the Past was I got carried away after being cheated with my ex-boyfriend, the things I should have done is to concentrate more on my study and at the same time enjoy my life as it no boundaries. I think being shied, afraid to take the risk and inferior of others are my traits which pulled me down from achieving my dream. I should've become ****** if I were to get rid of all those traits.

Actually we shouldn’t think that way. What ever in the past is History, what is more important is current and Future. If Current is good, InsyaAllah, future will be good. Let the PAST be a STORY to us and let us create a good STORY from now on.

Well, I happened to ask my hubby during lunch break about this question. According to him, there is nothing wrong about his past. The Past made him as what he is right now, and he believes everything happened for a reason. And when I brought up the issue on my ex-bf, suddenly he said, “Yeah… I think I regret of wasting my time with her!” . But…but..but.. “Dah takde jodoh!”. Hehehe, I do agree with him.. Everything happened for a reason, and Allah knows what the BEST for us.

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