Friday, October 24, 2008

Is Luffy ready for solid?

I was in the confuse state for this. Lately, Luffy seems so eager and clumsy. From my observation he kind of hungry. I bought him baby food eg. rice cereal, organic wheat cereal and puree. But I was hesitate to feed him on solid, after getting some information on few website. Therefore I should wait until Luffy reach 6 months then I'll introduce solid to him.By the way, Luffy is 4 months and 3 weeks old. On the meantime, me and hubby have to bear waking up 2-3 times at night to feed him with formula milk. Too bad, he is still rejecting my breastmilk... :(.

Here is the 6 reasons why I should wait to start solid on Luffy. I got this info from paedtrician website.

1. Baby's intestines need to mature. --> I thnik this is the most thing that I fear of. I'm afraid his digestion organ is still not robust to take solid. What about if he get constipated???

2. Young babies have a tongue-thrust reflex. --> Not sure on this, but sometime I can see his tongue push the teat out.

3. Baby's swallowing mechanism is immature. Afraid Luffy will get choke if he cannot swallow properly.

4. Baby needs to be able to sit up. Luffy still unable to sit on his own, how to sit on the highchair.

5. Young infants are not equipped to chew.

6. Older babies like to imitate caregivers.

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