Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ulu Licin, Beruas.

Wah, sekarang nie dah rajin aku menulis blog kan…
On the last Sunday during the Raya break, my family went for a picnic at Ulu Licin Beruas. My mum declined to go and choose to stay at home to look for little Luffy. She obviously was being idle of such trip before so, I don’t recommend her to go either. We went with two cars; hubby’s and my brother’s. My cousins and family also joined the crew.

It feels so nice to dip myself in the cool fresh stream. Ulu Licin is about 30 minutes drive from my mum’s house, less crowded and it is really convenient to get there. I’m glad that my hubby likes this place as well. He loves the idea of traveling, and there are many places to visit at my mum’s place circumference. And the Best is that the cost is very less.

We went there after having lunch, for our convenient also, to get rid of lots of packing. We brought some kuih raya and tidbits for our munchies during picnic. I was so having fun, dipped myself in the cold water, ate a lot of nuts and forgot to drink any drop of water. The result of it, after came back from raya break, I was having serious sore throat and intense cough. I really got lesson from this, in the future for any outdoors trip, I should drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

Here are some photos taken.

Everybody looking for a perfect spot

Really nice right??

My brother and his son, Haziq.

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