Sunday, October 18, 2015

Singapore Trip 2012 - Day2

Hari Ke-2 trip ini kami ke Universal Studio. Ini merupakan kali ke-3 aku melawat Universal Studio. Kali pertama masa di Los Angeles dan kali kedua di Osaka. Aku berharap dapat pergi ke Universal Studio Orlando satu hari nanti.. :). Dari hotel kami menaiki LRT dan kemudian menaiki bas. Perjalanan mengambil masa dalam 45 minit.
Luffy dalam bas. Dia memang excited dengan public transport
Must take picture spot
Luffy bukan main seronok, tapi kali ni dia well behaved compared masa trip ke Disneyland HongKong. Aku dah lupa berapa harga tiket 1) sebab dah lama sangat 2) sebab bukan aku yang bayar, :). Park yang mula-mula sekali kami masuk ialah Madagascar. Oh.. aku rasa tips yang bagus kalau nak pergi lain kali, jangan ikut flow track dia, masuk the opposite way, sebab masa tu orang tak ramai so, tak payah queue lama sangat. Masuk Madagascar place ni sesuai untuk kanak-kanak, naik boat, lepas tu keluarlah character-character sambil joget-joget macam gitu.
Family photo
Punyalah nasib tak baik, masa kami pergi ni hujan turun. Tak syok langsung, kenalah beli rain coat plastic. The next attraction point adalah Shrek Kingdom. Dekat sini ada Shrek 3D theater, yang ni sama macam di Osaka dan Hollywood. Lepas tu ada roller coaster, tapi sebabkan Luffy kecil lagi, so tak dapat naik. Ada pertunjukan puppet show bersama Donkey. In overall I like Shrek Kingdom. Luffy pun dapat anak patung Donkey and Shrek. Thank you papa.
Selepas tu kami makan tengahari di salah satu restaurant di dalam Universal Studio. Alhamdullilah, ada beberapa restoran yang halal di dalam taman tema ini. Check dekat brochure tu ada sign yang tunjuk halal sign. One good thing di Singapore dia akan list down kat brochure halal restaurant. Aku rasa kat Malaysia patut do the same. Selepas mengambil gambar dia Shrek's house, castle kami pun bergerak ke next attration, The Mummy returns. Malangnye Luffy tak meet height requirement, jadi tak boleh naik roller coaster The Mummy Returns. Aku pernah naik masa di Hollywood dulu, memang seriau and fun.. tak apa, next time.
Yang ni jer boleh naik, tapi Luffy had so much fun, cause he got to be the driver for the tractor
The next attraction is Water World Park. This is one of the Not to be missed show. I watched this is Hollywood before and the show is exactly the same. Just played by different people of course. When I went to Osaka, the Water World park was closed for renovation. Jalan cerita dia macam cerita Water World juga, ada orang jahat, ada orang baik dan ada hero dan heroin. ada action... ada kapalterbang jatuh tu
Careful with your seat selection, or else get wet
On the way, ada attraction The Lost World and Science Fiction. Tapi tak dapat masuk pun sebab ada budak tak cukuo tinggi bersama. Just sight seeing and enjoy the beautiful park around there. The sad news, there should be a parade that evening, but due to the bad weather, it was cancelled off.
Ambil Gambar dgn bumblebee jer
Bergambar dengan Sesame Street Character - Big Bird
Ok, the whole day was spent at the Universal Studio. We really had so much fun. I hope we can come again with big Luffy so that we can enjoy all the rides there, and hopes that the weather will be more pleasant.