Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ayam masak rempah 4 sekawan.

It's been a while that i did't go to my favorite nasi kandar sharif. I love their chicken spice. Everytime I went, i would make i have that chicken on my plate. Last time when i was not married, i always eat there. but now with the kid, it's difficult. The place is not so convinient for family.

So during this morning breakfast, my friends were talking about food and recipe. Then it reminds me of the chicken spice at that warung. Why dont i try to cook it tonight?? I browse a few recipe from internet. I found one which was quite convincing and i decided to give it a try. Oh it taste good! I recommend it. I decided to share the recipe here. The one that i got does not mentioned qty, just what to put. I come out with my own version with the amount that we should put.
Sorry, recipe is in Malay :)
1/2 ekor ayam di potong kecil
2 tsp jintan manis ( goreng tanpa minyak)
1 1/2 tsp jintan putih ( goreng tanpa minyak)
3 sudu cili kering kisar
3 biji bawang merah besar
5 ulas bawang putih
1 in halia
1 bungkus serbuk rempah daging
2 serai (di titik)
daun kunyit
bunga lawang, bunga cengkih, kulit kayu manis, buah pelaga
2 tbs kicap soya
2 keping asam keping
garam secukup rasa

1) Goreng ayam separuh masak. Asingkan.
2) Kisar bawang merah, bawang putih, halia dan jintan.
3) Tumiskan bahan kisar diatas.
4) Setelah naik bau, masukkan cili kisar. Tumis dgn api perlahan.
5) Masukkan serbuk kari. Kacau hingga sebati.
6) Masukkan ayam. Tunggu dan kacau sekali sekala.
7) Masukkan rempah ratus tadi.
8) Masukkan serai, daun kunyit dan kicap. Kacau.
9) Garam secukup rasa, masak hingga kering.

Hasilnya macam kat bawah nie, sedap :)

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