Have you ever tried Ketam Nipah??
I were once tried it in Singapore with my Thai's friend. During that time, I considered myself "darurat" and in the
"was-was" state. Certain people from different areas called it Ketam Batu. It is black color and it turn to red color once you cooked it. I think ate few times at the hotel,but I just don't bother of the halal/haram status because they serve in public places and a lot of moslem ate. But when I small, I was told that there are types of crab that you cannot eat, which is the one that live not in water.
So this is funny story happened to me and hubby. One day, my husband bought ketam nipah on our way back from Pantai Remis to Penang. He wanted to call his brother to dine with us. He asked me to cook the crab, and once I look at the crab, it was still alive. Then I was in the uncertainty state of the halal/haram status. I asked my cousin about it, and from her info, Ketam Batu and Ketam Nipah are the same type of crab and they are not halal. Urgh..Back to the story, I excused myself saying that I'm not feeling well. My husband finished the cooking part. During the dinner time, hubby approach me for the dinner. I excused myself again saying that I am not feeling well and I am not hungry. Actually my stomach was rambling. I ask hubby and BIL proceed with the dinner. Then I fall asleep with empty stomach.
So after my BIL went back, which was about 12 midnight, hubby woke me up. Then I got chance to raise my concern to my husband. But my husband was frowning,"I bought that from that pakcik. If its not halal, why would that pakcik sell?". He got his point, but I answer,"Maybe that pakcik sell those crab for non-muslim only and he think u are one". I got my point too, Hehe... "Noncern! I saw on Majalah3, got Malay ppl ate also. If you dont trust me, check on the internet."
Hehehe, actually those crab are safe or "halal" for muslim. Sorry Hubby!! And after that it become one of my favorite seafood. Now, most of the balik kampung time, we will look for those ketam from the same pakcik.